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President Wilson tried for the first few years of the war to keep out of the war and stay "neutral". In 1917 however Germany began to attack any commercial ship headed towards Britain. This included US ships so Congress declared war on December 5th, 1917.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

He didn't want to specifically go to war he wanted to stay neutral although Germany was pushing it's limits with the zimmerman telegram and the sinking of the U.S.S Lusitania.

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Q: Why did wilson enter world war 1?
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How did Wilson persuade the American people to enter World War 1?

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13unluck: Woodrow Wilson tried to avoid entering the war but Britain and Theodore Roosevelt had pressured him to do so. After intercepting a message from Germany which invited Mexico to join Germany and wage war on the United States, Wilson pushed America to enter the war. _______________________________________________________________ German Uboat attacks killed U.S. citizens.

Who was president World War 1?

woodrow wilson 1856-1924 was the us president from ,arch 4,1913 to march 4, 1921ncluding all of world war 1

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He wanted to make the world safe for democracy gotta

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President Wilson blamed Germany for World War 1.

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Public opinion following news of the Zimmerman telegraph.

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The reconstitution of Poland that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed in Point 13 of his Fourteen Points

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World War 1

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Woodrow Wilson said that World War 1 was "the war to end all wars."

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World War One - 1964 Wilson and the War 1-11 was released on: USA: 20 December 1964

Did the United States enter World War I because of Wilson's new manifest destiny?

Wilson did use that term to indicate that the United States had an obligation to lead the free world, ie., democratic governments. But that goal was only a part of the reasons for the US entry into World War 1.