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Q: Why did wealthy Greeks live in stones brick or mud?
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What type of house did the ancient Greeks live in?

They lived in villas made of either brick, mud or stone. (Ella)

Do they live in brick houses in Madagascar?

no they do not live in brick houses in madagascar they live in mud,logs,and grass

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Germans live in brick houses or they live in regular non-brick houses.

What Greeks are?

Greeks are the people who live in Greece .

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Wealthy enough for everyone to live in a house

How many Greeks live in Panama?

800-1000 Greeks live in panama. They have a greek church as well there.

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They did.

Do Greeks still live?

certainly, Greeks still live in Greece, Italy, Cyprus, aegean islands and istanbul.

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There are wealthy people that live all over Mexico. The majority of very rich people live in Mexico City, Mexico.

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they lived in stones houses made of stones and mud

How did greeks live?

in europe the rented homes for the to live

What type of government did ancient Greeks live by?

the ancient Greeks had a democracy government