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Q: Why did wars break out between settlers and Native Americansname 4 of then?
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How did the end of civil war effect the wild west?

The end of the US Civil War had a huge impact on the West and westward expansion of settlers in all areas west of the Mississippi. With that said, it should be clear the problems between Native Americans and white western settlers was a distraction to the US army during the war. On more than one occasion the US had to step in and put down Native uprisings due to the settlers tendencies to break treaties.In fact the largest uprisings happened during the Civil War. Most of the time the white settlers were in the wrong, but US President Lincoln had to protect his fellow Americans. With the war now over, there were more Federal troops available to help keep the peace between the Native tribes and white settlers. This enhanced the push westward by the settlers and Natives were forced onto Reservations.

What proposed to break up the reservations and to encourage Native Americans to become farmers?

dawes act

How did the American Settlers break Mexicans laws prior to the Mexican-American War?

Mexico still considered Texas to be rebelling state with in its territory and not a free nation. There for settlements were considered a violation of sovereignty.

What pieces of legislation served to break off the communal nature of Native American land ownership?

Native American groups were communal and Americans were very individualistic. The federal government sought to break Native Americans of their communal nature and force them to assimilate with the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. The Act gave citizenship and 160 acres of land to the heads of households of individual Native American families or 80 acres to single adults or orphans. Adults could not gain full title to the property for 25 years. The Bureau of Indian affairs even sent Native American children to boarding schools to force assimilation.

Is there a break in the ACT?

i dont know maybe. i took the explore and there was a 10 minute break in between math and reading. good luck!

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How did the end of civil war effect the wild west?

The end of the US Civil War had a huge impact on the West and westward expansion of settlers in all areas west of the Mississippi. With that said, it should be clear the problems between Native Americans and white western settlers was a distraction to the US army during the war. On more than one occasion the US had to step in and put down Native uprisings due to the settlers tendencies to break treaties.In fact the largest uprisings happened during the Civil War. Most of the time the white settlers were in the wrong, but US President Lincoln had to protect his fellow Americans. With the war now over, there were more Federal troops available to help keep the peace between the Native tribes and white settlers. This enhanced the push westward by the settlers and Natives were forced onto Reservations.

Why did wars break out between the white settelers and the native Americans?

they went to war over sackagiua

What usually caused conflict between settlers and native Americans?

The conflict between American settlers and Native Americans was usually over territorial rights. Settlers saw the Native Americans to be obstacles to "progress". The Native Americans quite understandably were shocked to see that land that had been their homelands for centuries were now at the mercy of swarms of settlers and US Treaties that were created to basically greatly restrict where they could live.Violence over land rights reached a serious level of violence. Much of it at the hands of settlers against the Native Americans.The disputed lands were for the most part under Federal control. The idea that this was a capitalist vs socialist dispute is strange to say the least. Ideas that state capitalists believe they can own public resources to the exclusion of society is self contradictory.The idea that Native Americans were socialistswould mean that they have control over the means of production. Native American tribes hunted and were growers of crops and many were also very nomadic. They respected to a point the presence of other Native American tribes, however, it was their custom to stay in recognized boundaries.Europeans came here and imposed their society on the Native Americans, this imposition was in direct contrast of every single cultural value practiced in this land for 10,000 years before they came here. Most societies soon learned that the Europeans were not human by the standards of these cultures, they were something outside of nature.Settlers would break treaties, bringing on disputes that led to violence. Federal treaties took advantage of Native Americans. This again led to more disputes and violence. For example, settlers and Native Americans agreed to share land but the settlers broke many of the treaties.Sadly many Americans viewed Native Americans as inferior beings and "savages".They stood in the way of the "Divine Providence" idea that meant that God had ordained the Continental USA to be under the control of the new Americans.In the United States many of the conflicts between American settlers and Native Americans were territorial problems. The Federal Government would designate certain areas as "Indian reservations" thereby hoping to clear away territory for settlers. In many cases the settlers simply took over areas that were entitled to Native Americans. The resulting conflict might then escalate to violence. In other situations, Federal "announcements" to Native Americans were unclear or misunderstood. Again the result was the settlers taking control of certain territory that the Native Americans believed had been designated as theirs. This resulted in conflicts to the point of violence. Center to the territorial problems between Native Americans and settlers was the idea that Native Americans were in the way of the American idea the "Divine Providence" notion that meant God had destined the USA to reach from coast to coast, and that Christians were meant to dominate all areas in between.Thus Native American claims to their homelands that existed for hundreds of years, were invalid. The "reservation" system was for all practical purposes, a one sided arrangement that placed Native Americans at a disadvantage.The history of massacres between the two groups became an ingrained mindset between the settlers and Native Americans. The US citizen view that Native Americans were wild and inferior savages added weight to incursions by the settlers.

What did settlers have to do in order to farm the backcountry?

Settlers had to break up ground and clear timber in order to farm the backcountry. Much of the land was in forest.

Many agreements between Native Americans and the federal government fell apart because?

The United States government negotiated thousands of treaties with the Indians over the centuries. Every single one was broken as the settlers wanted more lands, or they wanted gold or other metals. The treaties were just a temporary means of the government getting what it wanted at the moment but as soon as those needs changed, someone would break the treaty. a native americans and settelers had differing concepts of land ownership

Why did violence break out in Kansas in 1851?

Violence broke out in Kansas in 1851 due to the ongoing conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers vying for control of the region. The struggle to determine the state's stance on slavery escalated tensions and led to acts of violence and aggression between the two groups.

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can you switch from remeron to paxil without a break in between

What proposed to break up the reservations and encourage native Americans to become farmers?

dawes act

What proposed to break up the reservation and encourage native Americans to become farmers?

dawes act

What proposed to break up to reservations and encouraged native Americans to become farmers?

dawes act

What proposed to break up the reservations and to encourage Native Americans to become farmers?

dawes act

Can you break chemical bonds between atoms?

Yes you can break the bonds between atoms and after they are broken they can also reform themselfs.