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After World War 1, (then known as Great war) Croatian nationalism was at it's most extreme. Croats were angry because of injustice after losing Great War. They were forced into The First Yugoslavia, which was actually a Serb dominated monarchy, which worked to completely erase Croatia and Croats were brutally humiliated. Croatian parties and Croatian nobility were banned. And all that time Alexander spreaded Propaganda about Serbia freeing Croatia of Hungarian rule. In the end, the world, and Einstein himself noticed the Croatian suffering.

As a result, Croatian extremism and hatred towards Serbs grew and King Alexander I was assassinated by Bulgarian Vlado Chernozemski. The assassination was planed both by Croats and Bulgarians, in order to end the tyranny of King Alexander and weaken Serbia.

Bulgarian sources confirm it.

It is said that monstrous acts will create monster. So it happened with Germans, and we all know how it ended, and how Germany still feels the consequences.

So, here is a real history, backed-up by tons of sources from all around the world, not including communist Yugoslavia or Serbian sources which will led you to believe that Croats joined Axis side unprovoked and that all Croats are nazi cannibal monsters.

After Germany conquered Yugoslavia, IndependentState of Croatia was created. ISoC was actually nazi puppet regime, led by Ante Pavelic and his Ustasha elite which was somehow similar to SS and Gestapo combined. Of course, after almost thousand years of Hungarian rule (ever since the fall of Croatian kingdom), and decades of Serbian tyranny (after fall of Austro-Hungary), Croats hapilly cheered the Nazis, without actually knowing who or what Nazis were. So, that's why Croatia unquestionably joined the war, seeing Germany and Hungary as historical allies. That's how Independent State Of Croatia(also known as NDH) was born.

Sources: history and facts of World War 1. And do not forget that Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serb Gavrilo Princip, thus starting Great War.

There were isolated cases, when individuals joined all three sides. Croatian Homeguard and Ustashe were often in political conflicts, until the end of the war.

Sources: Croats and Croatian ancestors

Ethnic Croats had only two to three choices at the time:

-Join Croatian regular army-Homeguard

-Join Croatian elite army-Ustashe

-Join Partisans, anti-fascist and Tito-supporting movement, later communist movement.

Long story short, WW2 Croatian government killed and persecuted hundreds of thousands of people, most of them Jews and Serbs.

Sources: concentration camps in WW2 Croatia, Croat racial laws and extremitstic views of WW2 Croats,

And after World War 2, after Croatia was bombed by Allies and pretty much sacked by Tito, Italians and Germans were ethnically cleansed by communist.

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12y ago
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15y ago

In 1941., Hitler invaded the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and in April of the same year established the "Independent State of Croatia" which was lead by the fascist Ustaše. They performed genocide over thousands of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Croat antifascists.

In June of 1941., the first armed resistance movement in Europe was formed by antifascist Croats in Croatia, near the town of Sisak. Very quickly, this movement attracted many Croats who decided to fight against the treacherous fascist government, and in the end, aided by many others from the Yugoslav nations, the antifascists, lead by a Croat, Josip Broz Tito, prevailed.

So, you might say that there were 2 Croatias at the time and that the antifascist one prevailed.

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16y ago

Yugoslavia began her turn towards the Axis powers in the mid-Thirties, largely due to the economic crisis brought on by the Great Depression. In 1941, the government of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia signed the so-called Pact of Steel, which brought them into alliance with Germany and Italy. This move was not popular domestically. Yugoslavia was created after WW1 (initially as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes), and as such had no reason to try and change the balance of power created in Europe as a result of post-WW1 peace treaties. Many members of the country's ruling circles were pro-British, and in March of 1941 they organised a coup d'etat. Hitler's response was to declare war on Yugoslavia. In barely two weeks, the country was overrun by Axis forces, and its government fled to exile in London.

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14y ago

The Independent State of Croatia became a member of the Axis Powers on April 10,1941.The state was technically an Italian protectorate until the Italian capitulation

on September 8,1943 but was governed by the ruling fascist movement.It fought along side Axis troops around Croatia and parts of the Eastern Front,but its best contribution

was its Air Force.

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10y ago

Because the Serbs hated Croatians

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