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Yes. Valhalla was one of three possible afterlifes for Vikings. For them it was their highest aspiration where only the bravest sould went to, after they recieved a glorious death in battle.

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They thought it was like one big pub.

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So they could be with their god Odin.

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Q: Did vikings believe in Valhalla
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Who get to go to Valhalla?

the vikings get to go to valhalla.

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What did vikings believe happened to you when you died?

they were burried in a boat with their riches, food ,servants, animals and weopons for the after life to take with them to valhala.

Why did the vikings believe in Valkyries?

In Norse mythology, Valhalla is the Hall of Heroes. The slain warriors would be free to drink all night and be reborn to fight again. It's the Norse equivalent of "heaven".

What was the type of heaven for the vikings?

Valhalla, the great hall of the god Odin where the warriors would fight and feast.

What did the Norse believe about death?

That Viking warriors went to Valhalla after they died.

Did the vikings believe in unicorns?

No, they did not, but I do.

Did vikings believe in the devil?

no they did not

Who are the Norse?

The Norse were a civilization that lived in 600 AD. to 1000 AD. They were spread across Europe. They pillaged or raided other European towns. They were war based people. And their religion says that if they die in battle they go to Valhalla. Some would call Valhalla the Norse equivalent to Heaven. They are are commonly called Vikings.

Why did the vikings believe that what the vikings did was right?

Because vikings were ballas they didnt give an eff about anybody, cept there boyz

What was Valhalla to vikings?

Valhalla is the Viking version of Heavan. But there is a catch. Vikings were violent warriors and so their religion had 2 potential afterlife outcomes. The best one is to die bravely in battle and be granted entry to the hall of Valhalla where you could fight, drink and feast with your warrior brothers forever. Or if you died of old age, illness or some other "unsuitable" death you would be put to Hel (with one l ) which you can probably guess where Christians got "hell" from. :) It was this type of religion that drove the Norse Warriors to become the best fighters of their era and also the best adventurers.

Did the vikings believe in magic?

we dont know