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Many of the treaties were never meant to be honored by the US government, but just made to 'pacify the savages'. It can certainly be argued, however, that those negotiating the treaties meant them to be honored. The biggest problem was that none of the treaties was ever ratified by Congress, so therefore in the eyes of the government, the treaties were invalid. Then there was the issue of who would see to their enforcement if the whites were to break the treaties.

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16y ago
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Well, mainly because they did not hold up there end of the treaties (the government).

It all really depends on specific treaties.

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16y ago

To be blunt, many of us (non-native Americans) were deceitful, greedy and prejudiced.

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Because the treaties produced misunderstandings and outright fraud.

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11y ago

1. Aboriginal peoples lost enormous amounts of land, especially in southern and central Canada, where the land is most productive.2. Aboriginal peoples lost their right to govern themselves.

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Q: Why did treaties between the US and native American Indian fail to make peace in the plain of the united state?
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