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The guillotine was exceedingly efficient, moderately bloody, and allowed for a spectacle.

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Q: Why did they usually execute someone by the guillotine?
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What is a weapon of execution called?

It means, the weapon used to execute someone. Also know as a guillotine

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How was Marie Antoinette executed?

Marie Antoinette was execute by guillotine, which was the official instrument of execution used by the French Revolution.

What was used to execute people during French Revolution's Reign of terror?

The guillotine.

What method did the French use to execute opponents of the state?

Executions were by decapitation using the guillotine.

How is the guillotine effective?

It was a quicker and easier way to execute people

How is the guillotine important part of world history?

really cool way to execute people? it has been used to execute several important members of the French Nobility and Monarchy

What was a guillotine used for in medieval times?

The guillotine was used for the severing of the head weather is was an animal or a human. They used it to kill those who went against the king.

What does beheading mean?

Beheaded means that the head is removed from the body, usually with an axe or guillotine.

What was the device used to execute people during the French revolution?

A Guillotine is used to execute people during the French Revolution. It was named after a French doctor GuillotineThe "guillotine" (feminine noun) was the device to behead people during the French revolution.It is named after the man who proposed the adoption of the device to the National Assembly, the doctor Guillotin. In link are several related questions.The guillotine, sometimes called the National Razor which carried out the death sentence in the twinkling of an eye.Guillotine. Named after the Doctor that invented it to reduce suffering of the condemned.

What was the machine that was invented to mercifully execute people during the french revolution?

The execution machine invented during the French Revolution is the guillotine.

How tall is a guillotine?

Height: usually 14 feet or more.