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During the reign of King Louis XVI and his wife Queen Marie Antoinette, revolutionary ideas grew fast, as the Frenchhelped America fight their revolution that freed them from a government that was unwanted. France was bankrupt, and the people were starving. They saw their monarchs, the nobles and the aristocracy live in all wealth and became resentful. What they did not understand though, was that their monarchy was based on the "ancien regime" and the monarchs were brought up to reign as they did. Also, Louis XVI tried everything he could possibly do to make things better, and even tried to make the nobles and the aristocracy pay taxes just like the bourgeoisie, but they turned against him as they saw it as their privilege by birth not to pay taxes just like the commoners (eventhough they were the richest!). Eventually, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were unjustly seen as tyrants who were to be murdered. They were both beheaded. Their son (the crownprince) died in captivity after years of abuse. Only their daughter got away.

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14y ago

She was married to King Louis XVI who had been earlier executed. Subsequently, she was also tried for treason and incest, found guilty and executed in 1793. It was a sham trial lasting for a day and the incest charges were certainly completely baseless. By that stage, she had TB and cancer and would not have lived much longer.

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12y ago

They were blood thirsty revolutionists, they killed them for a few reasons. One was for attempting to flee France, and another is, They were a symbol of the monarchy and oppression. The killing of them almost finalized the fact that the revolutionaries were victorious.

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