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The Vikings were sea-borne traders,raiders,discoverers and colonizers that played an part in the process of developmnt of mediaeval Europe.

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Q: Why did the vikings leave their homes to come to Britain?
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Why did Swiss people leave their homes to come to Wisconsin?

because they are holy

Why did colonists leave their homes in England and come to the New World?

I possibly think 1492 or 1776.

Was there more to the vikings than raiding and looting?

The Vikings attacked Britain's most holy places, slaughtered the people who lived there and carried away favoured and expensive treasures. Well designed boats and continuous winds helped these raiders to come and go as they pleased. Britain was devastated but at such a time like that there was nothing that anyone could do to stop the horrible Vikings ruining their country.

Did the pyramids of Giza come before the vikings?

No. they did not come before them. the Pyramids of Giza come right after the vikings.

Vikings come from here?

the vikings came from Scandinavia

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Chinese people left their home to have a better life in the USA

Why did the vikings come to britan?

they came to Britain so they could have more fertile land and be richer.The Vikings came to loot and pillage.

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The promise of a better life with economic security

How did Norse come to England?

By the Vikings.

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What is culture does Thor come from?

The Vikings.