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Q: Why did the vikings go to the shetlands?
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Related questions

Which is further north The Shetlands or The Orkneys?

The Orkneys are further north than The Shetlands.

What is further north the shetlands or the orkneys?

The Shetlands

Are shetlands a breed of horse or pony?

Shetlands are a breed of pony.

Were the vikings alive in the 13th century?

yes, the last record of viking raiders is in the thirteenth century when king Harold of Norway sailed to rid the shetlands and Scotland of the viking menace.

Why did the Shetlands go to England originally?

The Shetland Islands are part of Scotland, not England. They used to belong to Norway.

Who is the quarterback of the vikings?

Breet Farve and Go vikings!!! They ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are Shetlands horses or ponies?

They are ponies!

How many expeditions did vikings go on?

the vikings went on 13 expeditions! :)

Who get to go to Valhalla?

the vikings get to go to valhalla.

Did vikings go to Korea?


What are the hiking vikings on Club Penguin?

vikings that go hiking! i published a story for it!

Why were Shetlands bought over to England?

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