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Starting in April 1954, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, chaired by Senator McCarthy, were broadcast on live television for 36 days. The viewing audience saw his tactics as reckless and dishonest, and the newspaper summaries of the hearings were also harsh. This of course made the Senate look very bad and angered many Senators. Senator Stuart Symington is quoted as saying, "The American people have had a look at you for six weeks. You are not fooling anyone."

In June of 1954, Senator Ralph Flanders introduced a resolution to censure Senator McCarthy. Introducing the resolution, Senator Flanders is quoted as saying of McCarthy: "It was not his breaches of etiquette, or of rules or sometimes even of laws which is so disturbing," but rather his overall pattern of behavior.

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Q: Why did the senate disagree with McCarthy?
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