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Q: Why did the reforms that Nicholas 2 introduced after the 1905 revolution not prevent a revolution in 1917?
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Bismarck introduced many social reforms in Germany because he wanted to?

Avoid a socialist revolution.

What is white revolution?

The White Revolution was a series of reforms introduced in Iran in the 1960s and 1970s aimed at modernizing the country's agriculture and society. It included land reforms, education initiatives, and efforts to improve women's rights. The reforms were proposed by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi to address social and economic inequalities.

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All of these are reforms introduced by the Progressives. Plato<3

What were two reforms that were a result of the Mexican Revolution?

There were two reforms that occurred as a result of the Mexican revolution. These reforms were economical and political reconstruction of central authority.

Why was the Russian Revolution of 1905 unsuccessful?

The Russian Revolution Didnt Fail. If Anything It Sucseeded. The Tsar St Nicholas II Got Scared When He Found Out That He Promised Change.

Why did Bismarck introduce social reforms?

Bismarck introduced social reforms in order to undermine the growing socialist movement in Germany, maintain social stability, and secure support for the conservative government. These reforms were aimed at addressing workers' grievances and improving social conditions to prevent the rise of socialism.

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Who introduced protestant reforms in Zurich?

Ulrich Zwingli

In what ways did Napoleon both fulfill and destroy the ideals of the French Revolution?

He ended the Revolution and a pure Democracy in favor a dictatorship cloaked in the buzz words like Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. He retained the French Tricilor and most of the reforms that he had introduced.

What were two important reforms during the french revolution?

Two important reforms of the French revolution were, the abolition of the hereditary aristocracy, and the introduction of the metric system.

What reforms were workers demanding when they marched in St. Petersburg in 1905?

Reforms were not the matter. The matter was the revolution.

When did the land reforms for the first time introduced in Pakistan?

in 1957