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they wanted to find a place where there is no ruler and to follow their religious beliefs


The settlers who founded Plymouth Colony in 1620 were English Separatists. They were not looking for a place with no ruler--they were still loyal subjects of the King (James I). However, they were opposed to the beliefs and practices, particularly the liturgy and ritual, that had accumulated within the Church of England.

There were two groups that objected to the beliefs and practices of the state church: one group, the Puritans, believed that the church could be reformed and "purified" of its corruption; the other, the Separatists, had given up on the idea of reforming the church and wished to separate themselves from it. The Pilgrims were members of the latter group.

Because expressing any disagreement with the established church could be punishable by death, they fled England and first settled in Holland. However, they did not wish to stay there permanently, as they considered the Dutch to have "loose morals" and they feared that their children, who were beginning to speak Dutch, were becoming less English. So, they decided to travel to the New World, where they could still be English subjects, but not have to adhere to the edicts of the Anglican Church.

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10y ago

The king in England wanted them to be in his church and they didn't want they moved to Holland but the English kids were taking up foreign customs so then they got this guy (I'm sorry i don't know the guy off the top of my head) and they got on the mayflower and sailed to america....and plus there were jobs and land there.

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To establish their own colony, and get away from Europe's cruel rules and economy. And also for religious freedom.

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For religious freedom.

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Q: Why did the pligrims want to start a colony in north America?
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