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The landowners give the sharecroppers enough money to live on.

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Because they both got what they wanted at that time.

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Q: Why did the plan of scharecropping seem to be a good idea for both the landowners and the sharecroppers?
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Were the sharecropper the people who shared a crop with landowners and merchants?

Sharecroppers were farmers who worked land owned by someone else. They usually did not have seeds or tools to work the land or the money to buy them, so they "bought" them from the landowner. When the crop was harvested, the owner first deducted the cost of seeds, tools, and other items bought by the sharecropped, then took a share of the crop as rent for the land.In a good year, the sharecropper might come out ahead and be able to buy seed for the next year and have some cash left over. In a bad year, the sharecropper ended up still in debt to the landowner.

After reconstruction what did southern blacks face?

Most returned to work as hired hands, or sharecroppers, and their wages were usually a set ammount of the harvest. Before harvest, they were treated much better, having a good place to stay in their master's estate and assisting in crop planning. A good ammount moved north where (despite discrimination and racism to SOME degree) they could get jobs in factories and such.

Who ruled the ancient Greeks?

It was either Zues or Athena __ Zeus and Athena were gods, not leaders of the Ancient Greek people. Some of the most famous rulers were: Pericles Solon Cleisthenes Themistocles Cimon Lysander Lycurgus THere are many many more, but these are some of the most well known.

Is football good or bad?

both its such a good game it can cause riots

What is the difference of the food Egypt and Greece eat?

They are both ancient and they are both food

Related questions

Why did the plan of sharecropping seem to be a good idea for both the landowners and the sharecroppers?

heath is dumbbbbbbbbbb\

Who were sharecroppers and how did they differ from landowners?

Sharecroppers were agricultural workers who rented land from landowners in exchange for a share of the crops they produced. The main difference between sharecroppers and landowners is that sharecroppers did not own the land they cultivated, while landowners were the ones who owned the land and typically provided resources such as tools, seeds, and housing in exchange for a portion of the harvest.

Why was it difficult for sharecroppers to get ahead?

It was difficult for sharecroppers to get ahead because when crops failed, both landowners and workers suffered. Even in good times, most workers' shares were very little, if anything at all. Therefore, yet only few people got ahead through sharecropping.

Who were the sharecroppers after civil war?

The share croppers are the freed slaves that "rented" a white farmers land in exchange for an agreement of a percentage of the sharecroppers yearly crops. They "share" "crops", thus the name sharecroppers. By the 1900's most of these sharecroppers had land of their own. The agreed percentages varied from 5% to 95% it all depended on the person or "landlord" so-to-speak and the richness of the soil therefore determining the crops that could be grown. I'm always trying to answer the newest questions, and hope this is a good enough answer that got here fast enough! Good luck on all future endeavors.

Was the headright system good for landowners?

They could get more land if they brought more people to the area.

Why was the headright system good for landowners?

They could get more land if they brought more people to the area.

Why was the headright system good for people who became indentured servants?

It allowed poor people to eventually become landowners.

Why was slavery a good system for landowners?

Slavery provided landowners with a cheap and abundant labor force, allowing them to maximize profits without incurring high labor costs. This system also allowed for increased control over the workforce, as slaves had no rights and could be disciplined or punished at the landowner's discretion. Additionally, the intergenerational nature of slavery ensured a long-term, stable source of labor for landowners.

Were the sharecropper the people who shared a crop with landowners and merchants?

Sharecroppers were farmers who worked land owned by someone else. They usually did not have seeds or tools to work the land or the money to buy them, so they "bought" them from the landowner. When the crop was harvested, the owner first deducted the cost of seeds, tools, and other items bought by the sharecropped, then took a share of the crop as rent for the land.In a good year, the sharecropper might come out ahead and be able to buy seed for the next year and have some cash left over. In a bad year, the sharecropper ended up still in debt to the landowner.

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Why were many African American farmers caught in a condition debt peonage?

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no because i like both pankakes and waffles is they good to you? No because i like both pancakes and waffles are they good to you