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The Pilgrims landed near what is now called Cape Cod rather than Virginia as planned because harsh storms rattled The Mayflower off course and back in the 1600's there weren't many maps to tell you your location.

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Because they wanted to bro!

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Q: Why did the pilgrims settle at Plymouth instead of Virginia?
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Where did the Pilgrims settle in 1630?


Where did the pilgrims actually settle?

1620 in Plymouth, MA was their colony.

What was the reason for settlement for the Plymouth colony?

It was a place for the pilgrims to settle so they could have religious freedom from the english.

What was the reason for the Plymouth Colony settlement?

The Plymouth Colony was found for freedom of religion.

Why were the Pilgrims in Plymouth and the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay Colony eager to settle colonies in North America?

for religious freedom

Related questions

Did the pilgrims settle in Plymouth or Plymouth Rock?

they settled at the plymouth rock.

Where did the Pilgrims settle in 1630?


Where did the pilgrims settle in America?

Plymouth MA

Did pilgrims settle in Plymouth?

yes they sure did

Who were the pilgrims were did they settle?

The pilgrims where those who migrated for religious reasons , they settled in Plymouth.

Where did the pilgrims actually settle?

1620 in Plymouth, MA was their colony.

Did pilgrims settle for freedom?

I am not sure but they settled in Plymouth rock.

Where did the pilgrims settle in the US?

The pilgrims first settled in Plymouth. They were supposed to land in Virginia ,but there ship was blown off course by a storm so they settled in Plymouth which is in present-day state Massachusetts.

What part of the us did the pilgrims settle in?

Plymouth, Mass. East coast

Who were the pilgrim and where did they settle?

The pilgrims where those who migrated for religious reasons , they settled in Plymouth.

Did pilgrims go to Plymouth because of storms?

Yes, in Semptemmber 1620 about 100 pilgrims crowded into a small ship called the Mayflower. A storm battered the Mayflower on its long journey accross the Atlantic Ocean. the ship was pushed off course. Instead of arriving in Virginia thay landed much farther up north at Cape Cod. The pilgrims decieded to settle in New England.They chose a rocky harbor the english called Plymouth.

Where did English pilgrims seeking religious freedom settle?

English pilgrims seeking religious freedom settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. They arrived on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth Colony, which is now known as Plymouth Plantation.