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Based on Exodus 1: 8-11 (The Bible) we can say that since the Israelites started to grow in huge numbers and multiplied extraordinarily in Egypt, filling the entire land, the Pharaoh (King of Egypt) decided to oppress them. He feared that the Israelites would take over Egypt.

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The Torah states that Pharaoh claimed that the high Israelite birth-rate could pose a potential threat (Exodus ch.1).On a spiritual level, the Egyptian slavery was brought about by God (see Genesis ch.15). It taught us the importance of loving the stranger (Deuteronomy 10:19), it showed us the power of God when He redeemed us (Exodus 10:2) as well as His personal concern for us (Exodus 2:24); and it served as the "iron furnace" (Deuteronomy 4:20) which smelted us (the Israelites) into a nation and separated the dross.

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As the narrative says, the Hebrew population grew so much and so fast, that the Pharaoh was afraid they would turn against him and Egypt, so he tried to prevent that by enslaving the Hebrews.

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Q: Why did the pharaoh chase the Israelites?
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The Pharaoh in the Exodus story is never named - he is simply referred to as "Pharaoh".

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The Pharaoh and the Egyptians. The Pharaoh mostly.

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God instructed Moses to go to Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. He was to tell Pharaoh, "Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness."

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Pharaoh heart was hardened , so he would not let the Israelites free.

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the Egyptian Pharaoh

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What person would not free the israelites?

The Egyptian Pharaoh refused to release the Jews.

What was the initial punishment that pharaoh imposed upon the Israelites for asking to leave?

There was only one punishment which Pharaoh imposed upon the Israelites for asking to leave. That was the punishment that they must continue making bricks, without being supplied with straw. (Exodus 5:7, repeated in 5:18). The other decrees of Pharaoh (Exodus ch.1) were before the Israelites asked to leave.

What did the israelites do when they saw pharaoh's army closing in on them?

They cried out to God (Exodus 14:10).

What did the pharaoh stop supplying to the Israelites?

Straw for making bricks (Exodus ch.5).