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Q: Why did the people of Kush move their capital to Meore?
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When did Kush move to the capital Meroe?

Kush moves to capital Meroe about 540 B.C.

Why did the kush move to meroe?

The Kush moved their capital farther down south to get out of the Assyrians' reach.

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How did Egypt leaving Napata affect Kush? It led to the collapse of Kush. It caused a civil war for the Kushite throne. It encouraged the Kushites to move their capital. It led to Kush gaining power and conquering Egypt.

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Wanted more people to move inwards

When and why did Brazil's government move the capital city to Brasilia?

Wanted more people to move inwards

When and why the Brazil's government move the capital city to Brasilia.?

Wanted more people to move inwards

When did napata decline?

At 540 B.C, the Kush move from Napata to Meroe.

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because they wanted to more people to move inwards and because the current capital was to easy to be invaded by Portuguese enemy's

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