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Q: Why did the northern countries lack inspiration from the cultures of Greece and Rome?
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From which 2 previous cultures did the renaissance artists draw inspiration?

They drew inspiration from ancient Greece and Rome.

What countries are on the northern border of Greece?

Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

Humanism arose from the study of what two ancient cultures?

Humanism arose from the study of ancient Greek and Roman cultures. The focus was on human potential, achievements, and capabilities, drawing inspiration from the teachings of classical authors such as Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero.

Why did the byzantine empire have such a mix of cultures?

The Byzantine Empire in its heyday covered parts of Italy, the whole of Greece and the Balkan countries, Turkey, parts of what now is Syria and the Lebanon, and large coastal areas of northern Africa. The result was of course a mix of the many peoples that lived there and their cultures. The court culture also was a mix, in this case of Latin an Greek.

What are three modern countries in the northern border of Greece?

Bulgaria,maconia,and turkey

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they have lots

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From which two cultures did the civilisation of ancient Greece spring? Can you tell me!

Who invaded the northern holder of Greece?

Simeon and his Slav allies invaded northern Greece.

In the 1930s dictators seized control in many countries but not?

Countries in Europe which did not have dictators were the Northern European countries, United Kingdom, the Mediterranean Countries, Switzerland, some of the Eastern European countries, Spain, Portugal, France, Greece and others.

What 3 countries are on the northern border of Greece?

From left to right (west to east) they are: Albania, FYROM and Bulgaria. Turkey is on the eastern border.

With what cultures did people of the renaissance compare their cultures?

Ancient Greek and Rome.