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Command of the Mississippi River; which also cuts the Confederacy in half, if the North wins it.

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Vicksburg was less of a battle and more of a siege. The South tried o keep the Mississippi open to boat traffic to ferry men and supplies. The North tried to close it off.

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Q: Why did the north and south fight in the Battle of Vicksburg?
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Did the north or the south win the Battle of Vicksburg?

The North won.

Who was invaded in the Battle of Vicksburg?

The north invaded the south.

What were some of the Generals names for each the south and north for the Vicksburg battle?

General Ulysses S. Grant was a general for the north during the Battle of Vicksburg. Lt. General John C. Pemberton was the general for the south during the Battle of Vicksburg.

What battle divided the south and gave the north control over the Mississippi river?

The Battle of Vicksburg

Did the Battle of Vicksburg help or hurt the north or south and their cause for the war?


Who fought in the Battle of Vicksburg?

It Was fought between the noth and south. the north was ulysses.s. Grant and the south. was Robeert E. Lee

What were some stuff the north beat the south in?

The battle of Gettysburg and The Battle of Vicksburg are two very important victories for the North. They were won by Meade and Grant, respectively.

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Who was winning the civil war during the Battle of Vicksburg?

The south was winning in the East and the north was winning in the West.

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How did the Battle of Vicksburg hurt the south?

Losing Vicksburg prevented the South from reinforcing and resupplying its troops from Texas and Arkansas. The surrender prevented the South from using the river for transportation and communications, allowing the North the ability to attack with impunity, at will.

Is Vicksburg in north or south?

The North. It was a key battle that ended the war in the West, and released Grant to go to the aid of the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga. It was carried out under very difficult conditions and earned great credit for Grant.