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they got him to sign the articles of the barons .....they met up with the king and asked for more rights.......something like pretty sure that's the correct answer

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Q: Why did the nobles confront King John at Runnymead in 1215?
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Why were nobles especially unhappy with john in 1215?

he raised taxes

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Why were the nobles especially unhappy with John in 1215

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Why were the nobles espieically unhappy with john in 1215?

he raised taxes

When did the nobles force William the Conqueror to sign the Magna C arta?

The didn't. King John signed the magna carta in 1215.

What was the resulting action when king john tried to raise taxes on the nobels?

the nobles rebelled on him and he was forced to sign the magna carta in 1215

Who protected the rights of nobles against british monarch in 1215?

King John but i am not sure maybe Magna Carta

What document that demanded rights for nobles and limits the power of the monarch?

Magna Carta. This was signed by King John of England in June 1215 at Runymede on the River Thames.

What year was the magna carta singed?

It was signed in the year 1215 by King John.

A document drawn up by English nobles in 1215 that spelled out certain rights and limited the king's power is the?

The Magna Carta was imposed on King John of England by his subjects in an attempt to limit his powers and protect their own rights. It was signed on June 15, 1215, near Windsor, England.

When and where was the Magna Carta signed?

The content of the Magna Carta was drafted by Archbishop Stephen Langton and the most powerful Barons of England. King John signed the document which was originally called the 'Articles of the Barons' on June 10, 1215.The Magna Carta was a series of written promises between the king and his subjects.

What are the examples of magna carta?

King John treated the nobles harshly, therefore they rebelled in 1215 and forced King John to sign an agreement called the MAGNA CARTA. This agreement says that no one is above the law, not even king or queen.