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they used it to water crops

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Q: Why did the native Americans living in the southwest use irrigation?
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What technological developments is MOST closely associated with the Native Americans who lived in what is now the southwest corner of the US?

Irrigation if you're on Plato.

How did food sources for Native American of the northwest differ from those of native Americans living in the west and southwest?

Food sources for Native Americans of the northwest differed from those of the Native Americans living in the west and southwest because those in the northwest had plenty of seafood. They were able to supplement the meat that they hunted, and the vegetables they grew with fish, and shellfish.

How did food sources for native Americans of the north and northwest differ from thoes of Native Americans living in the west and southwest?

ask ur teacher mr. jackson

What generalization can you make about the ways of life of Native Americans who lived in the Southwest?

Native americans

Which Native American tribe used an irrigation system to farm their crops?

Many Native American tribes used irrigation. Two of the largest were the Cherokee of the east coast and the Hohokam of the American Southwest (Phoenix area).

What did Native Americans southwest?

ground beef

What did the Native Americans of the Southwest for food?


What are three groups who influenced California and the southwest?

Mexican Americans, Native Americans and Americans

What special skills did the native Americans had from the southwest?

a bunch

What native Americans of the southwest grow for food?


What landforms did the southwest native Americans have?

Mountains and plains

How did food sources for Native Americans from the Native Americans and northwest differ from those of Native Americans living in the west and southwest?

The environment and what could grow our survive their would have been a factor. Some natives lived in settlements and others were more migratory in respect to game animals.