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Because the population increased so they needed to use pesticides, fertilizers, etc. to get food to increase also.

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Green revolution occured all over the world

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Q: Why did the green revolution happen?
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Who is the father of the green revolution?

Norman Borlaug is the father of green revolution but M S Swaminathan is regarded as the father of green revolution in India.

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Green Revolution : M. S. Swaminathan White Revolution : Dr. V. Kurien

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Green Revolution : M. S. Swaminathan White Revolution : Dr. V. Kurien

Is green revolution actually green?

Yes it is!

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Why did green revolution not spread througout India?

green revolution is not spreaded in india because it is very hard

What are the ratings and certificates for Revolution Green - 2007?

Revolution Green - 2007 is rated/received certificates of: USA:G

How do you use green revolution in a sentence?

the once green tree caught fire, signalling the start of revolution

What problems Green Revolution solve?

The green revolution solved issues that relate to the environment. The revolution embraces alternative energy sources and better disposal practices.

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Cricket Revolution happened in 2009.

When did Revolution of the Park happen?

Revolution of the Park happened in 1890.