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The U.S. government instituted rationing during World War II because many necessary supplies became scarce when factories abandoned there normal products for military production. Food became scarce because much of it was needed to supply the troops.

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Because the German submarines were bombing the food ships, and the planes were bombing the docks.

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Rationing was necessary because there was a lack of food and cloths

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Q: Why did the government require rationing during the war?
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Why did the governer require rationing during the war?

The U.S. government instituted rationing during World War II because many necessary supplies became scarce when factories abandoned there normal products for military production. Food became scarce because much of it was needed to supply the troops.

Was there rationing during the Korean war?

No, there was no rationing in korean war

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What are some example sentences using the word rationing?

Rationing was done during World War II.We are rationing the chocolate during our diet.

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What is rationing and how was it used during World War 2 globally?

rationing is fapping and it was the same way we use it today

During world war 2 the federal government reacted to shortages of various goods by?

Rationing. People had to get ration books for supplies to prevent hoarding.

Why did the US government institute rationing as a economic policy?

They instituted rationing to make certain there were enough raw materials FOR WAR PRODUCTION.

How did us government control economy during world war 2?

To save resources for the war effort.

What is wartime rationing and why was it practiced in the US during World War 2?

Rationing was used to make needed supplies available for the troops during WW2

Know the name of the government agency responsible for rationing during the World War 2?

The Office of Price Administration administered the Food Ration Program and other rationing in the United States. The Food Department of the Board of Trade (Food Ministry) administrated the food rationing in Great Britain.

Why did the Us government use rationing for some foods and consumers during World War 2?

Because otherwise it wouldn't have been enough to go around.