He was wounded and did not return to England until 1760. ... These essays leave impressions of Oglethorpe, and they supply a sharper perspective as the ...
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The Georgia colony was founded for all of the prisoners in jail or people who were accused and prosecuted because of their religion to leave that colony or England and start anew in Georgia. It was also founded to protect the middle colonies from attacks. Florida was right under Georgia and Florida was claimed by Spain so there was a chance that Spain could have tried to attack.
the church of England
There were several differences, but the clearest is that French colonial rule was direct from the Paris while British colonial rule preferred to leave amenable local leaders in charge.
to escape religious persecution
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People came to colonial Georgia because it was a fresh opportunity to get more land. It had great soil and the natives were much more peaceful and were willing to negotiate and such.
The original founders came to places like Massachusetts.
The founders were eight nobles with a royal charter from charles 2
Jonathon Calvert of England founded the colony of Massachusetts for religious freedom. Puritans were telling them to leave, so they moved to Asia and left behind a colonial war between the states.
To find new land.
becuase they were fat
To look for glod
they want freedom of belief
For freedom of religion.
1. it is spelled colonial. not colional, that sounds like an STD 2. there was no colonial England, but if you mean why was the colony of Pennsylvania better than England at that time period, i shall give you an answer. The answer is this: Religious freedom. When king Henry the 8th separated from the catholic church in the 1500s, he created the church of England. In the 1600s, members of the church of England decided that the church was too much like the catholic church, and tried to leave it. however, it was against the law in England to go against the church, and those people who chose to leave the church had to flee from their homes, or face persecution. So many fled to the American colonies for religious freedom.