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Because their whole life was based off of chasing buffalo's ans other animals, with portable houses they could chase them and stay near their village of teepees

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Q: Why did the first nation of the plains need portable tee pees?
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Why did the First Nations of the plains need portable teeblys?

First Nations of the plains needed portable teepees because they were nomadic tribes that followed the buffalo herds for survival. Teepees were easy to assemble and disassemble, making them ideal for moving frequently. They provided shelter and protection from the harsh weather conditions of the plains.

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Why did the first nations of the plains need portable teepees?

Tipi's were used for shelter by the Plains Indian tribes such as the Blackfoot, Crow, Sarsi, Hidatsa, Omaha, Comanche, Teton-Dakota, Assiniboin, Cheyenne, Gros Ventre, Arapaho, Kiowa, Plains-Cree, Mandan, and Pawnee. Tipi's were easily moved, were warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and the opening at the top allowed the use of a fire inside the tipi.

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