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Q: Why did the end of the ice age lead to the agriculture revolution?
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What major event occurs near the end of the old stone age?


What marked the end of the stone age period?

The end of the Stone Age period was marked by the development of agriculture and the advent of metalworking. This transition is generally referred to as the Neolithic Revolution, which occurred around 10,000 BCE. It led to the emergence of settled communities and the start of the Bronze Age, characterized by the use of bronze tools and weapons.

What events helped launch the neolithic revolution?

The end of the last Ice Age, leading to a warmer climate and the ability to cultivate crops. The domestication of plants and animals, allowing for a more settled way of life. The development of pottery and tools for agriculture.

How did the French Indian war lead to the American Revolution?

Because King George III put an end to it.

What development Mark to the end of the middle Stone Age and the beginning of the neolithic age?

The transition from the Middle Stone Age to the Neolithic Age was marked by the development of agriculture and the domestication of plants and animals. This shift led to settled communities, the use of pottery, and more complex social structures. The Neolithic Revolution revolutionized human societies by enabling the growth of permanent settlements and the emergence of distinct cultures.

What role does the infinitive phrase play in this sentence Napoleon Bonaparte's ability to lead men was first recognized near the end of the French Revolution.?


What impact did the last Ice Age have on the Agricultural Revolution?

The last period of glaciation had an indirect impact on agriculture as humans were hunter/gatherers during that time, agriculture only starting after the end of the glaciation. In high latitudes debris from the glaciers would have affected the types of soil available for farming and river courses also may have been altered by the ice.

How did French and Indian War lead to the American Revolution?

Because King George III put an end to it.

What did the neolithic revolution do?

The Neolithic Revolution was a significant turning point in human history as it marked the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settlement. This shift led to the development of permanent settlements, an increase in population density, and the start of civilization. It also allowed for the specialization of labor, the development of complex social structures, and the rise of technological advancements.

How many years ago did the paleolithic era end?

The Paleolithic era, commonly known as the Stone Age, ended around 12,000 years ago with the advent of the Neolithic era and the agricultural revolution. This marks the transition from a hunting and gathering lifestyle to one based on agriculture and settled communities.

What developments helped lead up to the revolotion?

The 1917 revolution was primarily caused by World War 1, which was devastating to the Russian people. The February revolution did not result in an end to the war, so the October revolution brought the Bolsheviks into power and a peace treaty was made with Germany in March 1918.

What is the infinitive phrase in this sentence napoleon Bonaparte's ability to lead men was first recognized near the end of the French Revolution?
