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The Egyptians were very religious, and their principal god was Yamun-Re, aka the Sun. All their monuments were meant to be religiously symbolic, so the pyramid was meant to be a sort of ramp toward the Sun. They couldn't have a flat-topped pyramid, since it would be incomplete, and it couldn't have steep sides like an obese obelisk, because have you ever tried walking up an obese obelisk. It had to be perfect.

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Q: Why did the design of pyramids change?
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How did the design of the Egyptian pyramids develop?

The design developed from, a pyramid shaped pile of dirt, to the step pyramid, to the bent pyramid, to the pyramids of gaze.

Why did pyramids change from step pyramids to sloped pyramids?

I believe that they were changed because of the pharoah's

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pyramids, oobelisks, and temples

Why did egyptians of old kingdom design pyramids?

They build them as burial chambers for the Pharaohs.

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Yes Pyramids, temples and palaces

What are two questions i can ask about pyramids?

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Why did the egyptians design and build pyramids?

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How long has geometry been around?

A very long time, it was used to design the Pyramids and Stonehenge

Do pyramids conserve energy?

Pyramids do not have any innate ability to conserve energy. However, their design does allow them to withstand the test of time by distributing the weight of the structure evenly, making them stable and durable.

Is there a subterranean chamber in all pyramids?

Not all pyramids have subterranean chambers. Some pyramids, like the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, do have subterranean chambers, while others, like the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, do not. The presence of subterranean chambers depends on the design and purpose of each pyramid.

How did the pyramids change history?

i think it changed history because it built \\

Do pyramids predict the end of the world?

AnswerThe Egyptian pyramids were built as monuments to the early pharaohs and for their burial. The design of the pyramids appears to be related to the worship of the sun god and belief in some sort of resurrection of the dead. They do not give us any clues as to when the world is supposed to end.