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The Confederates headed into Gettysburg to seize much needed shoes. Answer The above is one popular theory, but if you look at the map of the area, you will see that several of the roads lead into Gettysburg from different directions. So , it was a major cross roads.

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Q: Why did the confederates take a detour to Gettysburg?
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What did the confederates fail to do on the first day at Gettysburg?

Take the high ground…

Why did the confederates lose the Battle of Gettysburg?

because they did

Which way did the Confederates approach Gettysburg?

From the north!

Who was in Gettysburg?

The union (north) and confederates (south)

Who had control of Gettysburg after the first day o fighting?

The Confederates.

Who were the commanders for the Battle of Gettysburg?

Meade for the Union. Lee for the Confederates.

Was the confederates the first ones to Gettysburg?

Yes, they came in from the North.

What was the outcome of Gettysburg?

The Union won the battle of Gettysburg and therefore successfully kept the Confederates from continuing their invasion of the North.

Was there foreign influence on the Battle of Gettysburg?

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Who was the geneal of the confederates in the Battle of Gettysburg?

General Robert E. Lee.

Why is the Battle of Gettysburg the turning point?

the confederates no longer invaded the north

Who was the commanding confederate officer at the Battle of Gettysburg?

Lee commanded the Confederates.