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Q: Why did the colonists need to trade with other countries?
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they needed to trade the wheat

Why did the Mycenaean need to take part in trade with other countries?

because they were stupid!

Why do countries need to trade?

Countries need to trade because they do not have all of the resources they need to survive. Countries also gain by trading what they have in surplus.

What does France have to trade?

France does a lot of trading with other countries in order to get what they need. France has soybeans, machinery, and plastic to trade.

Why do countries need to participate in international trade?

why is it necessary for countries to partake in international trade

A government ban on trade with other countries?

When a government bans trade with other countries it can be called embargo or boycotting, depending on the circumstances. Embargo is when a government bans trade with another country in attempt to isolate it. Boycotting is when trade is ban in order to intimidate or show disapproval and need for change.

Why would Japans coastline be important?

its important becaus they need to trade things with other people and countries

Why does people trade?

People trade internationally with other countries to import products Australians need but can't be obtained in Australia. Trading with other countries can improve relationships with another country. And some items have more quality and cost less.

Why did England need the Board of Trade?

the used it to help the colonists achieve independence from England.

What is Brazil's impact on trade?

brazil is not able to get things that they need like other countries. so brazil trades their products for things they really need.

Why people choose to industrialize?

Industrialization happens due to a country's need to compete with other countries in regards to economy. Industrialization creates jobs, opportunities and helps with trade to other industrial countries.

Why is trade so important around the world?

Tade is so important aaround the world because ohter countries have unqui goods that other countries don't have. For example silk is very important to some countries to make clothing or other stuff, for that is why we need trade because some countries might like silk to produce stuff.