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Q: Why did the colonists have such a hard time surviving?
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What did colonists do day to day?

They had many survival related tasks. Since life was rather hard on a colonial front, they had little leisure time.

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It gave them a hard time surviving. Since they didnt have clothes back then, there babys would die. So would there parents.

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IF you were legally married then you are the surviving spouse whether or not you had lived together at the time of his death

What did it mean to call the poor ''wage slaves''?

they had a difficult time surviving because of low wages(:

Why was life hard for the colonists on Long island?

life was hard for the colonists on long island because people had to grow their own food,make their own clothes,and build their own houses.

What is the possessive form of colonists?

The possessive form for the noun colonist is colonist's.Example: A colonist's day was filled with hard work.

Why is important to adapting?

surviving is hard so to survive you have to adapt like finding food or camoflaging

Why was the stamp act of 1765 particularly upsetting to the colonists?

It was the first time Parliament had tried to tax colonists directly.

Is there a site for Surviving high school?

yes go to www. having a hard in high school. com

When did the natives started attacking the colonists?

It took some time for relations to get that bad, but the natives only attacked colonists after colonists attacked them.

What did the Battle of Bunker Hill prove?

It proved that the colonists would be hard to defeat.

How was the voyage like for the colonists going to Jamestown?

i think t was hard becuase they had to carried heavy stuff and they had to do lots of hard stuff