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Q: Why did the colonist destroy the cargoes of British ships in Boston Harbor in 1773?
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Why did the colonist destroy the British tea?

because the british kept taxing the tea! so the colonists decided too protest, and dump the tea into Boston Harbor

Who was in the Boston Tea Party?

It was the Colonist V.S. the British Soldiers. It was the Colonist V.S. the British Soldiers.

What event occurred as a result of the colonist taunting British soldiers?

The Boston Massacre

How did the American Revolution of 1776 start?

it started cause the british were pushing the Boston colonist too hard. so the Boston colonist decided to rebel.

What action started the Boston massacre?

British killed five colonist

How did the Boston soldiers start?

colonist started to throw rocks and snow at the british

What did colonist do to let british know they were against new taxes?

The Boston Tea Party.

When was the Boston Massacre ratified?

It wasn't. It was an event in Boston where British soldiers fired on colonist. The history channel has a good program on this.

How did the colonist protest the taxes placed on the British goods?

The Boston tea party and they boycotted the goods

What is the name of the African-American killed on March 5 1770?

Crispus Attucks was a black colonist killed in a skirmish with British soldiers. It became known as "The Boston Massacre."

What event involved colonist threatening british soldiers and resulted in the death of crispus attucks?

The Boston Massacre

How did the colonists respond to coercive act?

The Coercive Act is a punishmet for the Boston Tea party.The colonist paid for the tea they had dumped.They sent even more British soldiers to Boston and forced colonists to house and feed them.