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The Byzantine Empire did not recover from the fall of Constantinople to the Turks because the Turks were a strong local power which captured all of the remaining byzantine territory. Whereas the 4th Crusaders were few in number after they divided up the empire and they only captured part of the Byzantine Empire, the remainder of the Empire split into independent Byzantine powers, one of which the Empire of Nicaea eventually recaptured Constantinople and restored the Byzantine Empire.

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Q: Why did the capture of Constantinople by the Ottomans mark the end of the byzantine empire when Constantinople was captured by Venice before during the Fourth Crusade?
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its not just one but three i don't remember the names of two of them but one was Persians

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>Constantinople fell with rome in 414 to the Byzantine Empire. >>Constantinople fell on May 29, 1453 to Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror. This is when the Byzantine Empire also fell, and the Hagia Sophia became a mosque.

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The fourth crusade that the Europeans were in control of constantinople at the end.

What was the negative impact that the fourth crusade had on the Christian world?

The city of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, was sacked and partially destroyed by the armies of the Fourth Crusade in 1204. This attack on fellow Christians caused a centuries-long schism in the church and allowed the Turks to conquer parts of the Byzantine Empire.

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