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Q: Why did the authors of the declaration and resolves consistently discuss the rights of Englishmen instead of the rights of American colonists?
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Why American colonists have the rights of Englishmen?

The American colonists were entitled to the rights of englishmen because they were an English colony. The abridgment of those rights was the cause of the revolutionary war.

Why did the American colonists have rights of englishmen?

The American colonists were entitled to the rights of englishmen because they were an English colony. The abridgment of those rights was the cause of the revolutionary war.

According to the Declaration of Independence how did the American justify their separation from Britain?

The colonists justified their quest for independence by claiming that King George III had repeatedly violated their rights as Englishmen. The exact reasons are stated in the Declaration of Independence.

Why did Englishmen develop the Bill of Rights?

It was not the Englishmen, but the American colonists. The Bill of Rights was amended into the Constitution to give every American basic civil rights.

How many countries signed the Declaration of Independence?

No countries signed the American Declaration of Independence, only American colonists.

Who was the US separating themselves from in the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was created to free the American colonists from the authority of Britain.

What did the colonists send king George 3 in the American revolution?

The Declaration of Independence

Which document listed the colonists' grievances or reason for the American revolution?

Declaration of Independence

Which document listed the colonists grievances or reason for the American revolution?

Declaration of Independence

Was the declaration of independence was signed after the us constitution was written?

american colonists

What evidence do we have that the king believed that the American colonists had a legitimate claim to the rights of Englishmen?

We don't need evidence because the king sent troops to the colonies and stated he owned the colonies as well as regulated trade. He considered them English through and through and when he got the Declaration he considered the men who wrote it traitors.

Which is an important reason that the American colonists rebelled against England in the 1770s?

The colonists desired the right to control basic aspects of their economy.