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Because of famine (Genesis ch.42).

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Q: Why did the ancient israelites travel to Egypt?
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What figure leads the ancient israelites in exodus from Egypt?

Moses lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt.

What is a back Hebrew Israelites?

there's no such designation as a "back Hebrew Israelites"

How long did it take the Israelites to travel from Egypt to the red sea?

40 years of wandering in the desert.

How many years did it take israelites to reach canaan?

In The Bible, the Israelites wandered for forty years before they entered Canaan.In history, on the other hand, there was no Exodus from Egypt and no militiary conquest of Canaan as described in the Bible. The Israelites did not travel from Egypt to Canaan.

Who sings passover?

Passover is not something that is sung. It is a holiday celebrated to commemorate the exodus of the ancient Israelites from Egypt.

Did God lead the Israelites through Egypt when he set them free from slavery?

Egypt in the Ancient Period controlled far less land than Egypt in the modern period. Although the Sinai is now part of Egypt, it was not at that point and God did lead the Israelites through the Sinai, but did not direct them in Nile Basin (Ancient Egypt), which the Israelites would have been familiar with and thus would have needed no direction. It is important to note that while maps of Ancient Egypt show it "controlling" the Sinai Peninsula at various points, this "control" was through indirect vassals and tributes, not through a standing infrastructural connection.

What was ancient Egypt's part in the Hebrew God's plan?

Egypt is called "the iron smelting-pot" (Deuteronomy 4:20) because it tested the Israelites.

In what direction would you travel to get to ancient gredece from Egypt?


Did ancient israellites eat matzah?

Matzah originated during the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, so yes, they did eat it.

Led the israelites out of Egypt?

Moses or Abraham led the israelites out of Egypt i believe

What is the israelites exodus?

the departure of the israelites from egypt

What direction would you travel to go Egypt's ancient capital to its current capital?

well you might have to travel south