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they took them because cats could blow of the heads of the enemy and then they would turn into rainbows and then the Romans just loved rainbows so they would keep on killing people....

it was a mess

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16y ago

It was on ships to get rid of rats and i think it was the Egyptions.

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13y ago

because of mice on there ships and in there homes

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The Romans brought cats to Britain the same way as they brought everything else, by ship.

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Q: Why did the ancient Romans take there cats into battle?
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What did the Romans use in the battels?

In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.In battle, the Romans used whatever weapons were needed. The circumstances of the battle dictated what weapons or deployment of troops was needed. For example, battering rams and siege towers were used if fighting to take a city, while javelins and swords were used in hand-to-hand combat.

What were the key turning points in roman history?

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What yea did the Romans conquar Egypt?

The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.The Romans, in effect, conquered Egypt in 31 BC after the battle of Actium. However, since Octavian did not enter Egypt and take possession of the country until 30 BC, either of the two dates would be correct.

Where did the battle which involved Boudicca and the Romans take place?

The battle site is unknown. The western Midlands are considered the general area. Boudica was defeated at the Battle of Watling Street. Watling Street was a Roman road close to High Cross in Leicestershire. Source of this answer is Wikipedia.

What political ideals did the US take from the Romans?

The political ideals that the US took from the Romans were a codified law system and representative government. Ancient Rome had a representation system where senators voted for their areas. Rome was too spread out for Athenian democracy.

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the role of the senate in the ancient Roman Republic was to make sure the consuls follower the laws accounted to them and that they didn't take to much of rule over the empire.

How did the Romans get to work?

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What have the Romans left for us to look and study?

The ancient Rome left us scienci