no they went to war with Spain as mutual allies against the English during the reign of... queen elizibeth (i think)
He traveled from Spain to Florida and through the Caribbean.
doyou go to highland elemtry
if you want to know go on wikianswers
Adolf Hitler did not invade Portugal during World War 2 because Spain stood in the way. In order to invade Portugal, Hitler would have needed to go through Spain. Spain would not allow that. Spain had far more to lose than to gain by entering the war. Spain had colonies in Africa that the Allied powers could conquer and Spain had very little to gain by entering the war. Both Portugal and Spain stayed out of the war. Spain helped Hitler and Portugal helped England as much as possible without actually participating in the fighting.
no they went to war with Spain as mutual allies against the English during the reign of... queen elizibeth (i think)
He traveled from Spain to Florida and through the Caribbean.
You would have to go through Spain and possibly Andorra.
Britain never "occupied" Spain. Britain did go to Portugal, and from there sent an army under Wellsley to fight the French under Napolean. The British and Spanish were allies.
Monday through Friday are school days in Spain.
You cannot enter Spain directly from Monaco.
doyou go to highland elemtry
The allies were trying to get to rome and had to go through the rapido valley. it had to happen to get to Rome.
They have always been allies...
Andorra doesn't have an airport. You need to go through either France or Spain to get there.
his nationality is Spain they hired him to go everywhere, they even payedhim.So it is Spain.
It was the last chance for Germany to turn the tide of war in their favor. If Germany would have been able to push through and succeded in their plans. It would have force the Allies to go to the neogoiating table. But fortunately through the bravery and a lot of luck of the allies, that didn't happen.