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Q: Why did the Virginia Plan say that the colonies with the more population have more representatives?
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What point in the Virginia plan was objected to by supporters if the New Jersey plan?

that each state would get more representatives based on the state population.

What was the Virginia and Jersey plan?

Virginia Plan - Each state receives a certain number of representatives based on population. New Jersey Plan - Each state receives an equal number of representatives. Nowadays, the senate is based on the New Jersey Plan and the House of Representatives is based on the Virginia Plan.

What was the agreement reached that settled the issues of the New Jersey plan and the Virginia Plan?

The Great Compromise resolved the dispute over the New Jersey and Virginia plans. The Virginia Plan wanted representation to go by population. The House of Representatives resolved this issue, using population to determine how many representatives a state would receive. The New Jersey Plan wanted equal representation for all states. The Senate resolved this issue by allowing the same number of representatives to all states, regardless of their size.

Which plan for representation in Congress called for a bicameral legislature with the representation based on population?

The Connecticut Compromise proposed a bicameral legislature with two senators per state and a House of Representatives based on population.

How does the allocation of representatives differ between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?

The New Jersey Plan was much like the old Confederation Congress. Each state had one representative. This favored the small states. In the Virginia Plan, representatives were distributed based on population which favored the big states. The Connecticut Compromise was... a compromise. Each state had 2 in the Senate, and representation in the House is based on population. It helped both the large and small states.

Related questions

Why did delagates from larger states favor the virgina plan?

The Virginia Plan was one of the proposed plans on how power would be divided between the original thirteen colonies. This particular plan said that every state should have a number of representatives based on the population of the colony. The smaller colonies felt this gave them way too little representation.

Why Virginia Plan is an important part of our nation's history?

If it weren't for the Virginia plan there probably would be no House of Representatives. This is because the Virginia plan stated that the number of representatives that each state has in congress should be based on the population of the state. Since the New Jersey plan stated that each state should have an equal amount of representatives, a compromise was made that is known as the great compromise. Today we have a senate where each state has an equal amount of representives (2). We also have the house of representatives where the amount of representatives is based on the population of the state.

Why did the delegate from smaller states objects to the Virgina plan?

The Virginia Plan was one of the proposed plans on how power would be divided between the original thirteen colonies. This particular plan said that every state should have a number of representatives based on the population of the colony. The smaller colonies felt this gave them way too little representation.

What point in the Virginia plan was objected to by supporters if the New Jersey plan?

that each state would get more representatives based on the state population.

What was the New Jersey and Virginia Plan meant to do?

The New Jersey and Virginia Plans of the 1780s were each meant to provide a formula to choose representatives to the legislature being created during the Constitutional Convention. The Virginia Plan called for representatives to be allotted in proportion to the state's population while the New Jersey Plan would have the number of representatives be the same for each state regardless of population.

Details of both New Jersey and Virginia plans and suggest why a state would have supported one or the other?

The Virginia Plan wanted representation based on the population of a state. The New Jersey Plan wanted to all states to have the same number of representatives no matter the size of the state or it's population. A larger state would want the Virginia Plan because they would have more government representatives. Smaller states would support the New Jersey Plan because they would have equal representatives.

The congress under the Virgina plan?

The Congress under the Virginia plan would have been a unicameral legislature with representation based on a state's population like the House of Representatives that we have today.

What was the Virginia and Jersey plan?

Virginia Plan - Each state receives a certain number of representatives based on population. New Jersey Plan - Each state receives an equal number of representatives. Nowadays, the senate is based on the New Jersey Plan and the House of Representatives is based on the Virginia Plan.

What was the agreement reached that settled the issues of the New Jersey plan and the Virginia Plan?

The Great Compromise resolved the dispute over the New Jersey and Virginia plans. The Virginia Plan wanted representation to go by population. The House of Representatives resolved this issue, using population to determine how many representatives a state would receive. The New Jersey Plan wanted equal representation for all states. The Senate resolved this issue by allowing the same number of representatives to all states, regardless of their size.

What did states with large populationfavorthe Virginia plan?

The Virginia Plan, in having a unicameral legislature whose delegates are assigned by population (much like having just the House of Representatives), favored large states, because their large populations would give them power.

Who promoted the Virginia plan?

The Virginia Plan was a proposal put to the Constitutional Convention for a national legislature of two houses, one which would have an equal number of representatives from each colony and one which would have varying numbers of representatives based on population. It was drafted by James Madison of Virginia and proposed to the Constitutional Convention by John Randolph of Virginia. In general, the most populous states, such as Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York, supported the Plan.

How was the legislative to be set up in the Virginia plan?

Virginia was the largest state by population at the time the Constitution was being written, they believed, along with the other Chesapeake Bay Colonies (because they were the largest) that the state's number of representatives should be directly proportional to the state's population. So if the law passed required every 10,000 people to have one representative and Virginia had 1,000.000 people it would have 100 representatives while a state with only 100,000 people would only have 10. They believed this was fair because any decision made by the Federal Government would effect more people in Virginia thus they should have more say The Virginia Plan was built into the current House of Representatives which is based on state population, today California, Texas, New York are the top three states in population.