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They were pirates they would go out with the intention of stealing whatever was not screwed down to improve their standard of living at home. Basically the same reason that the colonial era was initiated.

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10y ago

It is thought that Vikings attacked other people and villages because they were fighting for territory. They may have needed more space because their original homeland was too small.

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15y ago

I suppose it comes back to that age old saying divide and conquer

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Q: Why did the Vikings attack other people?
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Why was the first viking attack important?

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Vikings did not have the right to attack on other countries. They should of stay out of the way.

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yes they did

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What did the Vikings do?

The Vikings are a type of pirates and they took over lands. They did not only rob and attack people. They were farmers, sailors, traders and more. Some even became imperial guards to the Byzantine emperor. And they mostly come from Denmark. The vikings where non-christian explorers and conquerors who terrorized Europe. Vikings killed people where they landed. Because they could, and because it made them wealthy. Most vikings where hunter, farmers or fisherman and warriors!

Where were vikings known to attack?

Around Scandinavia.

Where in Britain did the vikings attack?

Viking raids

Why did the Vikings attack Lidisfarne?

Because they wanted to : )