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They agreed to gradually reduce the amount of nuclear weapons held by each country - the did not, however, agree to reduce the number of warheads carried by each missile !

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Q: Why did the United states and the Soviet Union agree to do in start?
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In which nation did the United states and Soviet union agree on a UN resolution to end fighting apex?


In which nation did the United states and the Soviet Union agree on a UN Resolution to end fighting?

They agreed on Egypt.

What did the United states and Soviet Union agree to do in START?

Reduce Nuclear Weapons, people! I HAVE FURY!

What did Germany and the Soviet Union agree to?

Non agression Pact

What did Germany and the Soviet Union agree to after the invasion of Poland?

Nonaggression pact

What did the US and the Soviet Union agree to start?

Reduce nuclear weapons

What did the soviet union and US agree to do in start?

Reduce nuclear weapons

What was the main reason that made United States and others go after Hitler?

The united states went to war after a German U-boat sunk a ship going from the UK to the US, which had American citizens in it. While the UK and France went to war after Germany attacked Poland, which incidentally was not the first country they had taken land from. Finally the soviet union joined the allies against Germany after Germany did not agree to giving certain concessions, and promptly attacked the soviet union.

In which nation did the US and the Soviet Union agree on the UN resolution to end fighting?


After the downfall of the Soviet Union an attempt was made to replace the Soviet state with?

the Warsaw pact -------- The Warsaw Pact was dissolved at the same time as the Soviet Union. In 1991, the Soviet Republics of Russia, Belarus, and the Ukraine signed the charter of the Confederation of Independent States--their answer to Gorbachev's imagined Union of Sovereign Socialist Republics, also called the New Union Treaty. The failure of the Baltic states to agree to the CIS led to Central Asia and Trans Caucasia to resist most of the provisions of the CIS and the CIS was subsequently watered down to its current supra-national vaguery.

What what The original purpose of NATO?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization originated in 1949. It was created bu the United States, Canada and several Western European countries to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.

How could confederate states be readmitted to the union?

Each state that had seceded from the Union had to go through several steps. They had to permanently abolish slavery, have a fraction of all men sign a loyalty oath to the United States, and agree never to attempt to secede again.