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The policy of containment meant that the US was trying to stop the spread of communism from Russia and China to developing nations. This meant backing anti-communist governments (some dictatorships) that were fighting communist movements and armed rebellions. In Greece and Turkey, the Truman Doctrine (1947) sought to prevent those nations from coming under Soviet influence.

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12y ago

To stop the spread of communism during the Cold War(also so the USSR wouldn't be able to gain anymore power or continue to build an empire that it already had in Eastern Europe) Along with that, the Marshall Plan, the US offered economical aid to any country that asked for it. With a boost in the economy of European countries, there would be a boost in the American economy. If the economy were good, people would not want change, therefore less desire for a change towards a communist government.

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america's foreign policy should prevent the spread of communism beyond its existing borders

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12y ago

They feared that if they left it alone, communism would spread from the USSR throughout the world, eventually threatening the United States.

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