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To defend against the possibility of a Nazi atomic bomb, which if Germany succeeded in making it Hitler would order it used against Britain to force them to surrender. It was hoped the US might complete the atomic bomb first, but if not then shortly after so that Germany might also be attacked with them in retaliation for attacking England.

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Q: Why did the US make the atomic bomb?
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What year did they make the atomic bomb?

The US made atomic bombs from 1945 to 1992.

Who was US racing against to make the atomic bomb?

nazi germany

Who created and used the atomic bomb?

the us created the atomic bomb

How long the atomic bomb take to make?

The US were working on the bomb since 1941 up to 1945 when the first bomb tested.

Why did the us make an atomic bomb?

They made it to blow stuff up why else

Is Pakistani bomb is an Islamic bomb?

If you consider the US atomic bomb is a Christian bomb, the French atomic bomb is also Christian bomb and so on, then you can name the Pakistani atomic bomb an Islamic bomb.

Why did it one day to create the atomic bomb?

It didn't take 1 day to make the atomic bomb, it took most of WW2 for the US to create it with testings.

When did the US Use atomic bomb on japan?

The US dropped the atomic bomb onto Japan on August 1945.

Why did the US build the atomic bomb?

To defend against a possible Nazi atomic bomb!

What new bomb was made after the atomic bomb by the us?

The hydrogen bomb.

When did the US make the atomic bomb?

initially in 1945 many have been made since

Did the us make the atomic bomb for a reason?

for defense in war, kind of a last resort