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For the same reason the USSR government wanted the US missiles in Turkey removed.

They were seen as a threat and a provocation.

Both the US and USSR got the missiles removed that they wanted removed (but the US wanted to pretend removing the missiles in Turkey had no connection to removing the missiles in Cuba for political reasons, and Khrushchev allowed this).

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Because the nuclear weapons were missiles that could be deployed to the United States. And they were getting ready to launch them. this is lies

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To avoid all-out war with the US

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Q: Why did the US government want to remove soviet missiles in cuba?
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Who Soviet Union agreed to remove missiles from cuba after?

yes for the Cuban missile crises

How did the Cuban missiles crisis end?

It was in this Quarantine zone that the Essex Carrier Group was patrolling to prevent ships carrying Soviet missiles from reaching Cuba and also to prevent Soviet Submarines from passing by either. we might have seen the beginnings of World War 3 there, as the Soviet Submarines which patrolled that area were loaded with nuclear-tipped torpedoes and the missiles which were located on Cuba were also short to medium range nuclear missiles. But even so, after a ridiculous amount of correspondence between the two superpowers, Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove his missiles from Cuba as long as JF Kennedy agreed to not invade Cuba. Agreeing to these terms Kennedy swore by everything holy not to invade, and Khrushchev did remove his missiles. The crisis was over.

What year did the US blockade Cuba to force it to remove soviet missiles?

October 1962. There is a documentary available from the history channel called the Missiles Of October.

What US president was responsible in the 1960s for having the Soviet Union remove its missiles from Cuba?

US President John F Kennedy negotiated with the Soviet Union to remove its missiles from Cuba. It was a serious incident that added to the Cold War.

What happened on the last day of Cuban missiles crisis?

Nikita Khushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba and ordered the Russian ships home. The USA promised not to put missiles in Turkey near the Soviet border and promised not to attack Cuba.

Related questions

Who Soviet Union agreed to remove missiles from cuba after?

yes for the Cuban missile crises

How did the Cuban missiles crisis end?

It was in this Quarantine zone that the Essex Carrier Group was patrolling to prevent ships carrying Soviet missiles from reaching Cuba and also to prevent Soviet Submarines from passing by either. we might have seen the beginnings of World War 3 there, as the Soviet Submarines which patrolled that area were loaded with nuclear-tipped torpedoes and the missiles which were located on Cuba were also short to medium range nuclear missiles. But even so, after a ridiculous amount of correspondence between the two superpowers, Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove his missiles from Cuba as long as JF Kennedy agreed to not invade Cuba. Agreeing to these terms Kennedy swore by everything holy not to invade, and Khrushchev did remove his missiles. The crisis was over.

What year did the US blockade Cuba to force it to remove soviet missiles?

October 1962. There is a documentary available from the history channel called the Missiles Of October.

What US president was responsible in the 1960s for having the Soviet Union remove its missiles from Cuba?

US President John F Kennedy negotiated with the Soviet Union to remove its missiles from Cuba. It was a serious incident that added to the Cold War.

Who put the missiles in Cuba?

The Soviet Union.

What did the Americans do to prevent war during the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy demanded that the Soviet Union remove the missile base from Cuba. He also ordered a US air and naval blockade of Cuba to prevent Soviet arms shipments from reaching Cuba. He prepared to invade Cuba in case Khrushchev did not withdraw his missiles. He made an agreement with Khrushchev at the last minute: Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba, ordered his ships to turn back to Soviet Union; Kennedy promised not to put missiles in Turkey, near the Soviet border. After this agreement Kennedy lifted the blockade and promised not to invade Cuba.

When Soviet Union withdrew missiles from Cuba and US withdrew missiles from?


What happened on the last day of Cuban missiles crisis?

Nikita Khushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba and ordered the Russian ships home. The USA promised not to put missiles in Turkey near the Soviet border and promised not to attack Cuba.

How did the US react to the missiles in cuba?

Kennedy responded to Soviet missiles in Cuba by a naval quarantine of Cuba to prevent the shipment of new missiles coupled with nuclear threat. When soviet ships carrying missiles were near to Cuba, the were stopped by American ships and ordered to turn back. No one in the US knew what the Soviets might do, but they turned back peacefully.There have already been tensions between Cuba and the US ever since Castro came to power in the late 1950s. Cuba became communist and began negotiations with the Soviet Union (The US's enemy during the Cold War). The Soviet Union wanted to counter the US missiles in Turkey by sending intermediate ranged missiles into Cuba. This action caused panic within America and President Kennedy was forced to promise that he would no longer attempt to overthrow Castro or the Cuba government and he would take his missiles out of Turkey if the Soviet Union took their missiles out of the Cuba.He ordered a Quarantine on cuba and stopped the soviet ships from bringing any missiles to cuba. This was due to concerns that the soviets can attack the west.

What country did the US and soviet union had a dangerous standoff over the presence of soviet missiles?

Cuba. The reason the USSR put missiles there was to get rid of the U.S. Jupiter missiles in Turkey. Both were removed.

When did the Soviet Union install missiles in Cuba?

There is no picture of any actual missiles in Cuba.. All the pictures are of sites and trucks and empty carriers and items covered up. The entire ploy was to get the US to remove Missiles from Turkey.

President Kennedy announced to the world the US would remove missiles from Turkey as part of resolution over the Cuban missile crisis?

Yes, and Khruschev announced he would remove the Soviet missiles from Cuba.