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to stay ahead

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so the soviet could over take them

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Q: Why did the US feel it was important to stay ahead of the Soviet Union during the arms race in world war 2?
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What event in 1957 gave the Soviet Union a head start in the space race?

On the 4th of October 1957, the Soviet Union sent Sputnik into orbit. A month later the Soviets would send Laika, First living creature (a dog) in orbit around the Earth. The Americans thinking that they were years ahead of the Soviets had a nice little wake up call.

Who was the leader of the Red Army during the Russian civil war?

The most outstanding Soviet general in the Russian Civil War was Mikhail Tukhachevsky, who was made the first Marshal of the Soviet Union. His military thinking was in many ways ahead of his time. He developed Soviet paratroop units from c.1927 onwards, he stressed the importance of tanks and encouraged research into long range rockets already in the early 1930s. In 1937 he was accused of 'Trotskyism', tried in secret and shot. Working closely with Tukhachevsky was Trotsky, who was People's Commissar (Minister or Secretary) for War.

Why did Kennedy want to beat the soviet union to the moon?

Essentially, prestige. There was an ominous feeling during the Cold War that the Russians were getting ahead of us in everything, and this was driven home by Sputnik, launched into space before we had any kind of satellite ready to go up. By pressing for the manned landing on the moon, we were the first country to land men there (and to this day, the only country to do so), and it restored the feeling of "We're still number one" to most Americans.

How did the Americans react to the threat of nuclear war?

American citizens during the 1950's experienced the "Red Scare", a public worry about the Soviet Union unleashing war on the United States. Once the Soviet Union proved that they could also develop a nuclear weapon, American confidence contunied to drop, until the United States put the first men on the moon

Which country was ahead of England in commerce during the seventeenth century?


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Which two historic accomplishments placed the former Soviet Union well ahead of the Americans in the Space Race?

Sputnik and Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

Was the impact of the Soviet Union's space program a factor in the Apollo mission?

Yes, the Soviet Union's space achievements, such as launching the first satellite and sending the first human to space, influenced the United States to accelerate its own space program, including the Apollo mission. The competition between the two nations during the Cold War era fueled the space race and the desire to demonstrate technological and ideological superiority.

What American president created the advanced research projects agency?

Dwight Eisenhower created the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in 1958. He wanted technology to stay ahead of the Soviet Union.

How did the Cuban Missile Crisis escalate as well as de escalate the tensions with the Soviet Union?

The Cuban Missile Crisis helped to escalate and de-escalate tensions with the Soviet Union. It escalated the tensions because the Soviet Union repeatedly told the US that they would not place missiles in Cuba and that there was no reason for concern and then they went ahead and did it anyway. This caused tensions to escalate because the US and other countries could no longer trust the Soviet Union. Tensions de-escalated because the US was able to gain the support of so many other countries. This showed the Soviet Union that they had no support and that their testing the US and placing missiles in different places would not be tolerated at all. So, they removed their missiles from Cuba and the tensions partially de-escalated.

What event in 1957 gave the Soviet Union a head start in the space race?

On the 4th of October 1957, the Soviet Union sent Sputnik into orbit. A month later the Soviets would send Laika, First living creature (a dog) in orbit around the Earth. The Americans thinking that they were years ahead of the Soviets had a nice little wake up call.

Why did president Eisenhower favor the development in nuclear weapons?

The Soviet Union had exploded its own nuclear bomb (a fission bomb) in 1949, and Truman wanted the United States to stay ahead of the Soviet Union... as did lots of other people. So a fusion bomb (more powerful than a fission bomb, but used a fission reaction to set off a fusion reaction) was developed.

Why was Apollo 11 sent to themoon?

To explore the moon.The United States also wanted to get to the moon before the Soviet Union did; since up until that time the Soviets had been ahead of them in most areas of Space Exploration.

Who was the leader of the Red Army during the Russian civil war?

The most outstanding Soviet general in the Russian Civil War was Mikhail Tukhachevsky, who was made the first Marshal of the Soviet Union. His military thinking was in many ways ahead of his time. He developed Soviet paratroop units from c.1927 onwards, he stressed the importance of tanks and encouraged research into long range rockets already in the early 1930s. In 1937 he was accused of 'Trotskyism', tried in secret and shot. Working closely with Tukhachevsky was Trotsky, who was People's Commissar (Minister or Secretary) for War.

What were Sputniks One and Two in U.S. history?

Sputnik I and II were a wake up call to the United States that the Soviet Union was getting ahead of the US technologically. The US pushed for more math and science education and to push the US space program.

Which country won the most gold medals?

United states has won most gold medals in Olympics (winter and summer games combined). The grand total of USA is 1073 which is way ahead of second placed Russia/Soviet Union's 655.

How did Truman respond to soviet atomic threat?

Truman's response to the Soviet Atomic Threat was to forge ahead with a new weapon to maintain America's nuclear superiority.

What are the release dates for Tracks Ahead - 1990 Union Station 5-11?

Tracks Ahead - 1990 Union Station 5-11 was released on: USA: 2001 USA: 5 May 2002