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  1. #1: Truman knew he would almost certainly have been impeached and convicted when the war finally ended in late 1946 as a traitor for having available a weapon that had cost over $2,000,000,000 to develop that could have shortened the war by more than a year and saved over 1,000,000 US soldier's lives and never using it. He simply had no choice politically or militarily.
  2. The US public was getting impatient to see the war end.
  3. etc.

If necessary we had the production schedule and facilities operating to drop not just the 2 nuclear bombs that were dropped on Japan, but a total of 23 nuclear bombs could have been dropped on Japan in 1945 alone and probably several times that in 1946 if they didn't surrender.

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Q: Why did the US decide to drop nuclear bombs on japan instead of continuing to fight them?
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Why did the Allies decide to drop nuclear bombs on Japan?

to end the war, ASAP.

Is a bomb nuclear?

Some bombs are nuclear. But most bombs are not nuclear.

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How many nuclear bombs per week US builds nuclear bombs?

At this time the US builds no nuclear bombs. A small number of existing bombs are refurbished as needed.

Is there nuclear energy in nuclear bombs?

Yes, nuclear bombs utilize nuclear energy. They rely on the process of nuclear fission or fusion to create an explosive release of energy.

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A nuclear bomb is a generic term for any explosive device that relies on nuclear reactions to produce a large amount of destructive force, while an atomic bomb specifically refers to a type of nuclear bomb that relies on nuclear fission reactions to release energy. Therefore, all atomic bombs are nuclear bombs, but not all nuclear bombs are atomic bombs.

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of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH

Are nuclear bombs legal?

Nuclear bombs are illegal since bombs could potentially be harmful to others and places, so no it is not legal.

How many nuclear bombs were tested on Easter Island?

No nuclear bombs were tested on Easter Island.

Did America drop the nuclear bombs on Tokyo?

No, the nuclear bombs which were dropped on Japan, were in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What weapons are considered nuclear weapons?

Those that are nuclear, such as the nuclear bombs.