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For several reasons. Right after the Communist take-over, the USA had given much support to the Communists' enemies within Russia. During WW 2, the USSR was well aware of widespread anti-Communist feelings in Washington and amongst the general public. The USSR leader Stalin always was afraid that US aid to Russia during WW 2 would be used to spread anti-Communist feelings.

After the development of the Atomic bomb the USSR felt even more threatened, because Russia fully realized that this was a major shift in military force in favor of the USA. The war so far had cost Russia 10 million dead (compared with some 200,000 US dead in Europe) and Russia lived in fear of the great Allied force then in Europe might be used, together with atomic weapons, against it. The irony of the history of the Cold Was is that many in the USA saw it as America's defense against "Communist expansionism", while in reality Russia was mostly keeping up out of fear for Western intentions to undermine it.

Later developments seemed to confirm Russia's fears. When in the Nineties the USSR fell apart, Russia got assurances from the West that it would not 'profit' from Russia's relinquishing of power and support in its eastern Europe satellite countries. Next thing Russia knew, all those countries had been made members of the 'Western" organizations EU and NATO. It explains today why Russian President Putin still feels threatened by perceived expansionist designs by the USA.

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Q: Why did the USSR feel thretened by the usa?
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