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Q: Why did the U.S take land from the Native Americans on the Great Plains?
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How native Americans respond to land lost due to white settlement of the great plains?

How native americans respond to land lost due to white settlement of the great plains?

Why did the government promise that the Great Plains would belong to the Native Americans?

The plains were promised to the Native Americans for "as long as Grass grows or water runs"This policy was based on the beleif that white settlers were not interested in the Plains.The land was considered too dry for farming.

How did native Americans respond to the loss of land from white settlement of the Great Plains?

they chose to move a way

Why didn't people settle on the great plains?

For many reasons, A. The Native Americans B. the Spanyards C. The U.S. didn't own the land. Hope this helps.

Why were Native Americans moved to reservations on the great plains in the early 1800s?

Native American's were NOT moved onto reservations in the great plains in the early 1800's, it was the late 1800's. They were moved there for the same reasons they were always pushed into these areas; the US Government and its people wanted their land and its natural resources.

What land was guaranteed for the Native Americans in the treaty of Fort Laramie?

The Native Americans gain the Centrail plains and east of the rocky mountains. Also from Arkansas, north to Canada.

Why did Americans think cattle ranches on the great plains were not practical in the 1800s?

Americans didn't think that cattle ranches were practical on the great plains because the cattle had a hard time surviving. The great plains were dry and there was not a lot of grazing land in the 1800s.

What bodies of water were located on the native Americans land?

The Great Lakes

Why did the US government encourage settlement on the Great Plains?

Why did the US government encourage settlement on the Great Plains?

Why did the Native Americans fight against the US in the Plains Indian Wars during the late 1800s?

they wanted their land back

Why did Native Americans fight against the US in the Plains Indian Wars during the late 1800?

they wanted their land back

What land was guaranteed for the Americans in the treaty of Fort Laramie?

The Native Americans gain the Centrail plains and east of the rocky mountains. Also from Arkansas, north to Canada.