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Defoilients allowed the Americans to see movement of troops and supplies moving over the trail. This allowed them to attack and destroy the supplies and was one of the key ways of limiting the enemies ability to build up large concentrations of troops and supplies prior to an attack on American forces.

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it eliminated hiding places for enemy units

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8y ago

The defoliants killed the jungle allowing the enemy to be seen. The cancers, sickness and death caused by the dioxin and other carcinogen contaminants was an unexpected side benefit.

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11y ago

As a defoliant

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Q: Why did the U.S. military spray defoliants on the vietnamese jungle?
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What are three of the factors that made the Vietnam War harder to win than American politicians and military leaders had thought?

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What did Americans spray on the jungle in Vietnam?

It was called Agent Orange. Its A pesticide that kills plants.

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C-5 Galaxy

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Elepants don't live in thick enough jungle for inability to see to be a problem. They wouldn't fit! The do not live in thick enough jungle for inability to see to be a problem. They wouldn't fit in thick jungle!

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The purpose of Operation Ranch Hand was to spray herbicides, including Agent Orange, over large areas of Vietnam to destroy vegetation that provided cover for the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces. This operation was carried out by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War from 1962 to 1971.

What toxin was used by the US in vietnam to level the land scape?

Agent Orange. It was a defoliant- it killed plants. Similar to Roundup spray you buy at the garden store. Not good for people, but intended to kill jungle.

Is spray an adjective?

No it is a verb form, or a plural noun. (The singular "spray" can be used as an adjunct or adjective, e.g. spray deodorant, spray paint.)

What is inside of a spray can?

spray can intestines (also known as spray paint)

What is spray butter?

spray butter is butter in a bottle, and you spray it on your food.

What is the collective noun of spray?

The noun 'spray' is sometimes used as a collective noun for 'a spray of flowers' or 'a spray of roses'.

What kind of spray you spray your weave with?

Any quality spray, such as Olive Oil.

Why spray a pizza with water before cooking it?

You can spray it with cooking spray or water. But you'll more than likely to spray it with cooking spray ''', so it couldn't stick to the pan.'''