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Q: Why did the Saxons chase the normans down hill?
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How did William 1 and the Normans defeat Harold and the Anglo-Saxons?

William led his troops away from senlac hill towards the forest. then as soon as the Saxons marched down the hill, the normans turned around and fought the Saxons. bty, you really can find the answer to this question on wikipedia!

What was William the Conquerors cunning plan?

William was low on morale since some of his soldiers were leaving and there were rumors of William's death. He had to try a previous plan again. This was to run up Caldbec Hill and then start retreating to make Harold's soldiers give chase. They fell for the trick and were surrounded and killed.

Why did the battle of hastings took place in senlac hill?

The Saxons decided to set their army up on the top of Slenac Hill because it was a good position for their archers, it was a hard target for the Norman army and they could see everything that went on down below where the Normans were.

What were the strength of William and the Normans in the Battle of Hastings?

Two things that the Normans did well in the battle of Hastings were to cause the English to break down their shield wall, and getting them to give chase down the hill and then turn their forces on the English troops.

What was Harolds battle strategie in the Battle of Hastings?

He ordered his troops to form a shield wall on the top of a hill. However, his over-enthusiastic men broke ranks and charged down the hill towards the Normans. That is one of the reasons that the Saxons lost the battle of Hastings.

Related questions

How the Saxons lost the Battle of Hastings?

2 saxons ran down a hill beliving that the normans retreated and the normans retaliated and there calvary destroyed there army

How did William 1 and the Normans defeat Harold and the Anglo-Saxons?

William led his troops away from senlac hill towards the forest. then as soon as the Saxons marched down the hill, the normans turned around and fought the Saxons. bty, you really can find the answer to this question on wikipedia!

What was William the Conquerors cunning plan?

William was low on morale since some of his soldiers were leaving and there were rumors of William's death. He had to try a previous plan again. This was to run up Caldbec Hill and then start retreating to make Harold's soldiers give chase. They fell for the trick and were surrounded and killed.

Why did the battle of hastings took place in senlac hill?

The Saxons decided to set their army up on the top of Slenac Hill because it was a good position for their archers, it was a hard target for the Norman army and they could see everything that went on down below where the Normans were.

Was it the Saxons who ran down the hill and got tricked?

No it was your mom

What were the strength of William and the Normans in the Battle of Hastings?

Two things that the Normans did well in the battle of Hastings were to cause the English to break down their shield wall, and getting them to give chase down the hill and then turn their forces on the English troops.

Describe the setting of the battle field in the battle of hastings?

In a field, with a big hill. On top of hill there is a building. Normans at bottom of hill, Saxons on top. But which is best? There's only one way to find out, FIGHT!!!!!!!! LOL Hope this helps! ;-)

What was Harolds battle strategie in the Battle of Hastings?

He ordered his troops to form a shield wall on the top of a hill. However, his over-enthusiastic men broke ranks and charged down the hill towards the Normans. That is one of the reasons that the Saxons lost the battle of Hastings.

What Tacticts did they use at the Battle of Hastings?

in the battle of hastings 1066 the the Anglo Saxons (the English) made a wall of people at hasting hill to stop the normans of getting past.

Which group took England in 1066 after the battle of Hastings?

The battle of Hastings (or Senlac Hill) in 1066 saw the beginning of Norman rule in England. The Saxons were defeated.

What was William duke of Normandy's trick on the English?

It's usually called a feigned flight.A feigned flight is when you attack someone, and in the middle of the fight, your troops start to run away. They act like they are fleeing because they are losing- however, it is "feigned" or "faked". The idea is to get the enemy troops to chase you. Then, when they are away from the rest of their army, your troops can stop running and turn around and start fighting again, or other troops (especially fast-moving ones like knights on horses) can come over and kill them. Additionally, when those troops leave the rest of the army, there is now a hole there where they were, and your other troops can rush in and take advantage of that.When the Normans fought the Saxons at Hastings, the Saxons had their army in a line on the top of a hill. The Normans tried shooting at them, but the Saxons had large shields that could easily block most of the arrows. Then they tried attacking, but attacking up a hill is very difficult. So the Normans started using feigned flights to get parts of the Saxon army to chase them, which made it easier to fight them, and started making holes in the long Saxon line. Eventually the Normans were able to do this enough so that the Saxon army became weak and they could launch a full attack and win.

What was the hill called that the Saxons were on top of?

senlac hill