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Hannibal Barca was a capable Carthaginian general who brought war/invading army to the Roman mainland and threatened the city of Rome itself .

Hannibal was also an extremely skillful tactician. He annihilated the Romans in many battles which is why the Romans were so afraid of him. He went all the way from Spain through Europe, through the Alps, and into Rome, wreaking havoc in his path. Then, when he reached Italy he marched about the countryside, pillaging everything. However, he could not attack Rome because he didn't have the war-machines necessarily. Since he attacked Rome without the full backing of the Carthaginian war council, Hannibal was having trouble sustaining his troops out in the countryside. His position was made even more difficult because the Romans were pestering him with guerrilla raids which his vastly superior tactical skills were useless against since the raids happened randomly. Being stranded in the countryside eventually led to his retreat to Carthage and the razing of Carthage.

Another View:

Rome's strength was in its Italian allies which gave it greater resources than Hannibal commanded. As Hannibal did not have a seige train, he could not capture Rome itself, and he set about detaching its Italian allies. To his ability to defeat Rome's armies in the field he added the erosion of their support and potential isolation and eventual defeat.

It then became a battle for the allies. Rome managed to hang on to some of the more important ones, then took a leaf from Hannibal's strategy and sent an army to threaten the city of Carthage in North Africa, which brought about Hannibal's recall to defend the city.

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Rome wanted to kill Hannibal because he was a Carthaginian from the major trading city of Carthage. Rome and Carthage were enemies and fought together in the Punic Wars. The Romans wanted to kill Hannibal because Hannibal wanted to kill the Romans first. He marched through the Alps to Rome and attempted to invade the city itself, but failed and he killed himself.

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