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The Romans decided to have written and published set of laws because prior to that the decrees of the senate were kept secret. This meant that there was a lot of room for arbitrary actions and abuse of power. Having written and published laws meant that people would know what the rules were and could defend themselves or have themselves represented if they were not followed properly or there were attempts to abuse power. The laws were called the Law of the Twelve Tables because they were inscribed on twelve bronze tablets and displayed at the Roman forum, the civic centre of the city. Prior to their final compilation they were also debated publicly and amended following these debates. Therefore, these written laws also created a consensus about what the rules should be.

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Q: Why did the Romans decide to write down their laws?
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Did the Romans need law?

Yes the Romans did invent laws They invented their laws but laws had been around for thousands of years before.

Who organized Roman Law into a comprehensive code?

When the Romans, both Patricians and Plebeian, realized that they needed a written or codified set of laws to prevent magistrates from arbitrarily interpreting unwritten custom, they are said to have sent a commission of three men to Greece to study Greek legal documents. Greece was selected because Athens had gone through the same problems that the Romans were having. They found that written law was the solution. When the commission returned to Rome, a group of ten was established to write down the laws. They were called the Decemviri. They had codified only ten laws by the time their term was ended and it took another year and another group of Decemviri to finish the job.

What protected the basic liberties of the romans?

The laws of the Twelve Tables.The laws of the Twelve Tables.The laws of the Twelve Tables.The laws of the Twelve Tables.The laws of the Twelve Tables.The laws of the Twelve Tables.The laws of the Twelve Tables.The laws of the Twelve Tables.The laws of the Twelve Tables.

Did the Romans use voting first?

No. Many ancient peoples had voting. There could be different forms of voting, such as vote by aristocratic or oligarchic councils or by popular assemblies or a mixture of both. The Greeks had votes in an aristocratic or oligarchic bodies long the Romans. The Romans had popular assemblies which voted on laws. The Roman senate voted, but not laws. The Carthaginians had a voting popular assembly before the Romans.

Why did they make hieroglyphic?

Hieroglyphics were a utilized as a form of communication, through story-telling.

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theRomans are famous for: laws, education, roads, architecture, medicine and more but i cant be bothered to write them down!peace out dudes!! XxXxX

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You may forget something and or maybe people want to know about why is it important to write laws down.

Why did Romans want their laws written dawn?

Romans wanted their laws written down to ensure consistency and clarity in legal matters. Having laws written down helped to prevent disagreements and misunderstandings, and provided a standardized reference point for all citizens to follow. Additionally, written laws helped to establish a sense of order and fairness in Roman society.

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The laws of psychis it already existed it just needed psychiscitsTo write them down.

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What supreme courts power to decide whether congressional laws were constiutional and down those that were not?

Judiciary Act of 1789

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The first king to write down laws was King Menes, the first King of Egypt. Historians say Menes ruled Egypt for 62 years and that his cause of death was being mauled by a hippopotamus.

Supreme court justices decide if laws are?

Supreme court justices decide if laws are constitutional.

What are the injury laws in ancient rome?

The ancient Romans did not have injury laws.

What is the job purpose of the judicial branch?

to decide the menning of laws to decide the menning of laws to decide the menning of laws to decide the menning of laws and to judge if you are guilty in a case. to decide the menning of laws and to judge if you are guilty in a case.

Did the Romans need law?

Yes the Romans did invent laws They invented their laws but laws had been around for thousands of years before.